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WANT/NEED: A flamingo purse (complete with tiny flamingo legs!), and more stuff you want to buy

WANT/NEED: A flamingo purse (complete with tiny flamingo legs!), and more stuff you want to buy

WANT/NEED: A flamingo purse (complete with tiny flamingo legs!), and more stuff you want to buy

May 17, 2018

Welcome to Want/Need, a daily roundup of the things our Deputy Editor, Emily Popp, is currently coveting. It might be a pair of pink leather loafers that make her feel like she’s got her s*#t together, or a pool float in the shape of an avocado (because she’s not over the novelty pool float trend). Or maybe it’s as random as, like, dryer sheets. Basically this is all the stuff she’s obsessed with. Poppy’s picks, if you will.


 I go through makeup remover wipes so insanely fast, and I always have to have a stockpile on hand. I associate Patchology with under eye parches and masks, but they actually have all kinds of awesome products, like these facial cleansing wipes. I pretty much only use makeup remover in the form of wipes. I don’t like dealing with a cleansing oil or anything like that. I just like to swipe and be done. I got my headshots done for work the other day, and I had much more makeup on than I typically do. I used these babies and they got it all off in just a few clean swipes.